Thanksgiving is that special day when we stop and reflect on all of the abundance and joys that we have in our life.
One of the things on the top of my list is my wonderful family – which just keeps increasing. My family is my bedrock and my haven. They give me such joy and laughter. We recently connected with my sister Ann and her shoot of the family tree. Last summer I reconnected with my brother Jim and his family. I am hoping to soon visit my sister Lynn and her clan. This delightful picture was when we all came together in 2011.
This Thanksgiving we will break bread with some of Rob’s side of the family in New Mexico. It’s wonderful to have my family expanded through marriage with this wonderful man. Then, when we return I’ll have a special meal with my son who lives near me.
I also give thanks for my friends. My friends are like my extended family near by. I love to spend time with them and I know that we support and care for each other.
I am also thankful to have good health. I do what I can to stay healthy and I recognize this as a gift and I am very grateful.
I am also thankful that I can continue to work and have sufficient abundance in our home. Life is very good.
My hope for you is that you find many things to celebrate on this special day.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer