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  • Writer's pictureJonda Beattie

Happy New Year!

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

The New Year can be a time to party with friends or a time to reflect at home. It’s a time to say “adieu” to the old year and embrace the coming year. Many decide on resolutions, usually for self-improvement. People often look back at the past year and hope to make this new one a better year. It is also a time to look back at all the wonderful things that happened for which we are grateful. Looking forward to the New Year, instead of making a list of “shoulds” (I should lose weight. I should spend less. I should organize my closet.) set an intention or two for the coming year Develop a vision of how you want the year to play out. Mindfulness, harmony, or joy might be part of your vision. Put together a vision board and post it where you will see it. I like to use Christine Kane’s word of the year tool – http://christinekanecom/word/ – to develop my vision. This year my vision is inspired by the word Mindfulness. I would love to hear about your vision. Happy New Year!

Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer

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