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  • Writer's pictureJonda Beattie

Money, Honey

As I have been working on my presentation on downsizing, I came across an interesting statistic. The average US household contains 52 unused or unnecessary items worth the average of $3,100. At first I though, naah.. But I started looking around and thinking about what was on upper shelves and in the attic. I thought of china I don’t use any more. I thought about many of the homes I have worked in and I think – yes, most homes I have been in have at least that much. I also think of the households (1 in 11) that rent a storage container just to hold stuff they don’t want to keep in the house. At $75 a month- that is $900 a year. And I know that when I go in to help with decluttering an office we often find uncashed checks, unused gift cards, and just plain old money that the client did not remember was there. So, clearing up your clutter and passing on unneeded items is a good way to save money, honey!

. Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer

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