Everyone wants to eat healthily. We want to feel good and look good.
If your kitchen is cluttered and disorganized, you have a much harder time reaching that goal. A very organized and functional kitchen is important. You know what you have on hand. You have the necessary equipment ot prepare healthy, delicious food without feeling so frustrated.
Start by clearing out your refrigerator.
Get rid of unhealthy foods – start replacing items like soft drinks with iced green tea
Put good snack options towards the front of the refrigerator
Have clear containers to hold your favorite prepared snacks
Have labeled containers in your freezer with dates frozen so you can easily see what is available
Organize your refrigerator like a grocery store – have vegetables in one drawer and fruits in another – have snacks on one shelf and beverages on another – keep like with like
If you cannot see the back of your refrigerator, you have crammed too much into it
Next work on your pantry.
Get rid of junk food – if someone in the family enjoys foods that you should not be eating, put them where they are not readily visible
Store your foods like a grocery store – have all soups together, all pasta together, and all snacks in one place
Divide large bags of pretzels or snacks into single serving sizes
When you buy new items put them to the back behind the older ones that are already there
Tackle your countertops.
Have room for your cutting board and knives
Put out a fruit bowl
Have a blender handy to encourage smoothies and soups
Keep your countertop clutter free – put away deep fryers or bread makers
Wherever your store utensils and cooking pots – decide what you need to cook with or prepare healthy meals and place them “front and center.” Some example:
Either in your kitchen or wherever you do your meal planning:
Set up a menu base for health meals – this can be on a computer, in folders, or with tabs in your favorite cookbooks – then do a weekly menu plan
Track your eating – write down what you eat, how much, and when – consider counting calories, or carbs, or weight watcher points
Keep a running list of what you need to buy – to make shopping easier, look up aisle charts for stores like Kroger
Weigh in once a week and keep track
Cut back on activities that crowd your schedule so that you allow time to plan and eat properly – if you are overtired, you will grab what is easy
Plan an exercise program that you enjoy – post it on your fridge
Now, go out and buy that new swimsuit!
Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer