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Writer's pictureJonda Beattie

Priorities and Self Care

I love my work and I love my hubby. Sometimes it is important to put the work aside for a few days and just enjoy some “our time”.

I try to schedule a couple of days each month for us to just go off and play but sometimes a little more is needed. It’s great to put the daily routine aside and really let go and relax. I find myself laughing more, enjoying food I haven’t prepared, taking in different scenery, and just feeling grateful for this time. I feel healthier and invigorated. I know I’ll come back from vacation a renewed person.

Good memories are made on vacations. I’d rather have a vacation than a piece of expensive jewelry or a new gadget. When we vacation we experience new things and meet new people.

It’s important to take time to take care of yourself and enjoy vacation time. Vacations are healthy. When we return, we will both appreciate our home life even more.

Now, pardon me while I pack.

Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer

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