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When working on projects, especially large ones, backsliding can easily happen.

You start out great. You have a vision and a lot of enthusiasm. But after a while you start backsliding.

Backsliding can happen easily if you only go part way to setting up a system or if your system is too complicated. Sometimes backsliding happens because there is a break time on the project. Maybe you have gone on a vacation or there was a major holiday. Maybe you became ill for a while.

Being aware that backsliding is happening is the first step to getting back on track.

Ask yourself:

·        Am I finding other “more important” or “critical” things to do during my scheduled time to work on this project?

·        Is there something about the current system that doesn’t feel right or complete?

·        Is the system too complicated to maintain?

·        Am I overworking my schedule?

·        Am I feeling anxious?

·        Am I tired?

·        Am I avoiding the area that was being worked on?

·        Are piles beginning to reach the “unmanageable” stage again?

·        Am I buying items without first visualizing how they will be used and how they fit into my plan?

·        Have events or activities caused a setback?

·        Are my goals and vision shifting?

Once you figure out your “why” it’s easier to make changes to get back on track with your project. Don’t be judgmental as backsliding happens to everyone at some time.

Make a conscious decision to get back on track. All new skills and projects take time to develop.

Brainstorm a list of what needs to happen now and start putting those tasks on your calendar. Maintenace on what you have already accomplished is important so also plan maintenance times for what is complete.  

Change is hard. It’s easy to want to just give it up. But remember that you had a reason or a vision to work on this project originally. Go back and revisit that vision. Is the vision still true? Was the timeline unrealistic? Do you need to reach out and ask for some help?

Reward yourself as you work through each step of the project.

Mainly, be patient and kind with yourself. You’ve got this!


If you are struggling with completing an organizational project and want some help or accountability, join Diane Quintana and me in our Clear Space for You virtual support group. Each month everyone in the group chooses what project they want to complete.

Jonda S. Beattie, Professional Organizer owner of Time Space Organization, and co-owner of Release, Repurpose, Reorganize. She is based in the Metro-Atlanta area. As presenter, author of four books as well as a retired special education teacher she uses her listening skills, problem solving skills, knowledge of different learning techniques, ADHD specialty, and paper management skills to help clients.




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