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Writer's pictureJonda Beattie

Organizing the Living Room for Spring

I follow a zone plan for my home. My home is divided into 10 zones and every month (except July and December) I tackle one of these zones.

March is the month that I organize my living room zone. Spring is around the corner and I want my living room fresh and ready.

The first step in organizing the room is to review my vision for this zone. As this is a shared room it also needs to have a shared vision with my husband, Rob. At times we both use this room singly. I start my day here with coffee and the paper. Later when I am in my office, Rob often sits in his chair with coffee and paper. Together we often connect in this room. We plan our day, week, and future here. For entertainment we work on the daily jumble and crossword puzzle. On a more passive note we often listen to music or perhaps watch a DVD or television. If we are having a light meal, we will often eat here. We entertain family and guests in our living room. We welcome people from our front door.

We want this room to be welcoming and warm. We want this room to be relaxing but yet have positive energy. We want to feel comfortable, secure, and happy in this room. We want our friends to feel comfortable enough to kick off their shoes and stay awhile.

After revising my vision, I scan the room to see if the space is living up to that vision. We have soft comfortable seating and warm accents. Are there things in the room we no longer need or love? This past year we obtained some new CDs and DVDs We need to pare down our collection and pass on those that we have enjoyed but will not likely play often. This makes space for new opportunities. I will make certain that our magazine basket only holds current issues. The accessories and candles will reflect the season. Gone is the nut bowl and poinsettia plant and out are the pastel candles and spring flowers. We will also purge the clothes closet of any extra outerwear or anything we no longer enjoy.

As I go through every zone, I clean and polish as well. By the end of the month, the room will look and feel bright and ready for spring. I will celebrate with fresh flowers, a lit candle, and a nice glass of wine with Rob.

Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer

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