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  • Writer's pictureJonda Beattie

Overdue book

They say it takes as long to birth a book as a baby. Well, I’m about 4 months overdue and feeling the pressure. This baby.. er book has got to be delivered this month. With any luck it will be at the printers by next week. I’m excited about the prospect but nervous as well. I’ll want to look it over carefully to see that all the parts are there and that nothing is wrong. I dream that it will grow up to be useful to a lot of people. I want to watch over it but let it stand on its own as well. They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, it certainly has taken a village to get this book up and running. My goals group has been with me and encouraging me from the beginning – helping me make decisions about the cover and letting me bounce content ideas off of them. Judith Kolberg has been coaching and teaching me almost from gestation. Sue Clements has been proofing the progress. Brenda Sanders (my graphic designer) has been there for the last months before delivery. Eagle Eye Bookstore is going to give it it’s Christening Party… I hope all of my friends will welcome it into their homes!

Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer

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