I love to give parties! It’s important to me to have everything in place by party time so that I can also enjoy the party.
When planning my parties, I first set my date, and then look at the guest list, the theme, the menu, and the location.
Date: I try to find a date that I feel will work for most of my friends. I usually avoid holiday weekends like the 4th of July and any weekends that I already know my best friends are unavailable. I chose the date at least 6 weeks out and send out save the date emails. About a month before the party I send out paper invitations.
Guests: Guests are the most important component of the party. I love to invite a diverse group of people who will enjoy each others’ company. I usually have a core group of long standing friends and then add some new friends that I think everyone will enjoy. For me, the whole idea of the party is to bring people together to visit.
Theme: The theme holds everything together and makes the planning simpler. The theme determines the invitations, the food, the decorations, and any activities. I feel that having different themes keeps the parties fresh.
Menu: The menu usually follows the theme. I also keep in mind my guests’ food preferences and restrictions. I try to see that everyone has at least a couple of items that they can eat and drink. My house is small so I cannot accommodate everyone sitting down to a table to eat. I have a lot of finger foods. I usually have on the menu a mixture of items I prepare and order.
Location: Usually my parties are at my home but I have had some great ones at other locations. When giving a party at my home, I go for “clean enough” so that the board of health won’t be concerned but not so clean that open heart surgery can be performed. Good enough is good enough. People are more interested in each other than my home.
Once I have found my date, I put together a timeline. I list every task that must be done before that first guest knocks on my door. Then I put an intended date by each one of those tasks and enter them into my calendar. The timeline is what keeps me sane. I know that there is a lot to do but I also know when I plan to do it.
When the date and time arrives, I am ready to enjoy my party as much as my guests. I do love to give a party!
Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer