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Writer's pictureJonda Beattie

Plan for 2017

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

One of the first things I do when I set up my calendar is divide my home into 10 zones. Every month except July and December, I work on one zone in my home. The goal is that by the end of the year I have touched everything I own and have let go of things I no longer need or love. I have also organized the items I have decided to keep.

This has worked so well for me over the years that a couple of years back I set up a Zone Plan Teleclass to lead others through the process. I love the way the plan has developed and the wonderful people who participate in the teleclass. It is an ongoing class and anyone can join at anytime but because I like new beginnings, I would love to invite you to join us now. The call that will get us started on next year is December 30 at 1:30. Because I really would love for you to get started in January, I am reducing the fee for the year by $50 if you sign up before December 30.

Join me for the 10 month Zone Plan Group Coaching Program. We will benefit from exploring 10 months of 2 open line calls a month (recorded for you convenience), one personal closed call to each member, motivating content and exercises, a pdf copy of my workbook, and a closed Facebook group page. All of this is designed to set you on your path of living in the home you envision and so that you control your space.

Each month (skipping July and December) we concentrate on one zone of your home. I will suggest a zone but the beauty of this program is that the concepts will fit any zone or project that you want to tackle.

This program is powerful, yet affordable. For an investment of $450 (and now $400 if you enroll before December 30) you receive twenty teleclass calls and ten 30 minute private coaching calls. There is even a 2-pay option if you need to spread payments out.

If you want results and are ready to make your home the one of your vision, then join us.

Contact me by phone (404-299-5111), email ( or through my website (

Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer

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