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Writer's picturejondab

Reorganize to Revitalize

During this time of Covid-19 most of us have been spending more time than usual in our homes. It’s hard not to get a little stir-crazy. Same old – same old routines happening every day.

In order to spice things up and revitalize your area, make some changes in your rooms. Start by revisiting your vision for each room where you spend a lot of time. At this point in time, what is the purpose of this room? Has this changed over the past year? What would you like to change?

In your living room or common room, do you now play games or do puzzles? Do you read and watch TV? Do you eat some meals there? What would you change in the set-up of the room to make it work better for your activities? What would you change to make you feel your best?

Look at every item in that space. Are you using it or is it just taking up space? If you removed some items, could you put something in the room that would make it more fun? Maybe, just moving some pieces around would make the area a happier place.

If moving furniture is not really an option, look at your accessories. It’s summer now so putting away some heavy books, wooden or metal pieces, or dark candles would lighten up the look. Putting in some fresh throw pillows, fresh flowers, different pictures on the wall, or glass accessories might bring light into the room. Have some things in this space that would make you smile.

I have a client who is reorganizing his office space. He realized that he would really like to have a reading nook somewhere in his office. He envisioned a comfy chair, a reading light, and a small table beside the chair. As he looked around his current space, he saw just the spot that would work. This meant that he would first have to clear off a table that was now in that area. The table was now holding his printer and a bunch of office supplies and under the table there were some boxes of projects he wanted to complete. This led to an even more practical positioning of his printer and putting together an area in his closet to hold the office supplies. He scheduled time on his calendar to do some of the projects and other projects just got relocated. Just moving some of his stuff around opened up energy in his office space. As he made one change, he could see something else he could change to make the office just the way he wants it now. It’s an exciting in progress reorganization of the space.

I challenge you to walk through your house and make notes on what you would like to change to make each area serve you and make you happy. What would you do to make it a perfect refuge? Schedule time on your now crazy calendar and get started! Don’t forget, if you want my help on a project, I do virtual organizing.

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