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Writer's pictureJonda Beattie

Toxic Inbox

One of the sessions I attended at the NAPO conference was on “Detox Your Inbox”. I know I have a real problem with my inbox. I found that I was one of those people who use the inbox as a “to do” list. I realized that letting my inbox get in this shape is as bad as letting mail stack up on my table. For some reason I am very good about taking care of my mail each day- but my inbox! – not so much. Just imagine 495 pieces of mail on my table. I learned that my email usually falls into different areas like projects, appointments, contact information, communication, tasks, and archives. Just as I have my clients use action files for their mail I need to set up folders for my email. Just as my clients can be overwhelmed by their backlog of paperwork- I am overwhelmed by my backlog on my computer. So- what to do? I have asked for help from a Professional Organizer. Laura Ray (– 404-630-7212) is scheduled to come work with me. I know I will be able to maintain it once she helps me set it up. She will soothe my fears that I will not lose the information I need to keep. She will help me decide what I can let go. I will feel so much lighter after our session.

Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer

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