We look around and begin to notice all of the objects that we have accumulated throughout the years. Why do we hang on to these things?
Fear I might need it someday I won’t be able to afford to buy a replacement later on I’m afraid of making a mistake if I let it go
Shame I spent a lot of money on this I am embarrassed to just give it away
Sense of Obligation My friend gave it to me so I can’t get rid of it I am keeping it for my children It’s a family heritage
Sentimentality/Remembrance When I look at this I know I was loved When I look at this I remember I was someone once I used to use this and I hope to be in a position to use it again It reminds me of when I was a success in my job I remember the excitement when I found and purchased this
Indecision It is difficult to make the decisions required in letting things go I am not sure where to start I am not sure what questions to ask myself to help me decide
Inertia The items have sat around the house so long I have stopped seeing them I don’t even consider the need of getting rid of things
Do any of these reasons resonate with you?
Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer