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Writer's pictureJonda Beattie

Containers and Letting Go

When we hear the word “container” we usually conjure up the mental picture of plastic bins or baskets to hold our “stuff.” But actually a container is any object used to hold things.

For the purpose of this blog, let’s imagine closets, bookcases, filing cabinets, drawers, kitchen cabinets, as well as baskets and bins.

Then, how do containers help us let go of objects? When working with clients, I often tell them they can keep as much of any particular item as long as they have room in the designated container to comfortably hold it.

How does this look?

  1. You can have as many shoes as will fit in the designated area/shelves in your closet.

  2. You can have as many cookbooks as will fit on the designated shelf in the kitchen.

  3. You can have as many plastic food containers as will fit into the designated drawer or shelf.

  4. You can keep as many files in your filing cabinet as will comfortably fit.

  5. You can keep as many current magazines as will fit in the magazine stand.

  6. You can have as many t-shirts as will fit into the designated drawer or shelf.

  7. You can have as many magic markers as will fit into the designated bin.

If you own more of any one thing than will comfortably fit, you chose the ones you love the most and let go of the rest. If you just cannot make yourself let go of some items, then you must find another container that will hold the excess and it should fit somewhere that makes sense.

This is a revelation to some and can really be very enlightening. It can be very satisfying to sort through the category and choose the very best to comfortably fit your container and let the rest go to others!

Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer

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